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Homework 5: Make a Video Prototype for a Smart Object in 2050

Summary: the objective is to make a video prototype of a future smart object, based on the unique theme assigned to each student.

Late policy: There is no late-policy if you submit after deadline, it is not graded. Check the deadline on the wiki's main page. If you want to know more, read here no-late-policy.

Boost policy: remember you can turn in this assignment ahead of the deadline for a boost up to 7%, read here no-late-policy.

Submission Form:

How does form submission work: You are responsible for submitting the form on time. All forms sends you a confirmation email after submission, thus, check your inbox after submitting to be sure your submission went through.

Homework overview

You are a UI designer at “Apple” in 2050. The company's direction isn't as strong as it used to be (the iPhone42GX is not that great), and the company is desperate for innovation and a new product. So desperate that they trained an AI bot with old Steve Jobs' speeches (which were great) and hoped that the AI could tell the company what next product to build.

So you asked the AI bot: what product do I have to build?

The BOT said: make this (check your name in this spreadsheet to find out).

Upper management forces you to take the wisdom of the bot word by word. So you have to create a video prototype for that new product specifically. In the video prototype, you will need to show at least one application of your design using any video prototyping method (the product should deliver its promise, no matter how wild and strange it might sound, but be creative and make it appealing, useful to users, etc.).

Note that you neither need to actually build the functionality of your idea, nor to consider the technical feasibility of the idea. Rather, you should demonstrate it using one or more of Video Prototyping Methods (stop motion, smooth video transition, mixed methods using also paper, etc) that we covered.

Curious about the AI bot? Read here.

What's your deliverable

You should submit A. a storyboard sketch and B. a video for this homework.

A. Storyboard Sketch

Upload a photo/image (in format of image or pdf) of the storyboard sketch you used to plan your video.

  • Either physical sketch, or digital sketch (e.g. iPad) works as long as they are hand-sketched! You can find templates for the storyboard by searching online.
  • It is okay if it the detail doesn't match your final video, as this is supposed to be just for rough planning of the video.
  • If you have more than one photo/image, please put it in a multi-page PDF and upload it. (100MB max)
  • The sketch doesn't need to be beautiful, detailed drawings. This submission is just to encourage you all to make storyboard sketches before making the video. The video is much more critical in this HW, so spend more time on improving the video instead!

B. Video

Your video must be based on real-shot videos/photos filmed by you (e.g. making videos fully based on 2D sketches/graphics/illustrations or fully rendered CG is not allowed). Within the video, you can use materials, for example, real-life props, paper, legos (found in the MADD center), display, and any other materials to complete this video prototype.

The video prototype must satisfy the following requirements:

  • [Overall Video Format] Video length should be around 30 seconds (maximum 60 seconds, if you demonstrate more than one application). Upload your video to YouTube and keep the link “unlisted”. The video must be horizontal (not vertical, not Tik-tok or YouTube Short style!)
  • [Application] You need to demonstrate at least one application/functionality.
  • [Show Interaction] Show how your object can interact with its users.
  • [Show Scenario] We recommended the video to depict a scenario, so that viewers can understand the situation in which the object is in use.
  • [Annotation for Non-Clear Scene] We recommend adding brief text annotations to describe the scenes/interactions in your video. (make sure someone seeing the video for the first time would understand the narrative.)

Bonus Points If You Do This:

  • Demonstrate more than one application.


* Before filming, making a storyboard should help you plan the video. Some templates can be found online here .

* Make Your Camera Stable for Sequential Shots / Stop Motion (e.g. using Tripods, placing on a table)

Video Editing Tips

You can use any software to edit your video prototype. If you are an Apple user, you can use iMovie to edit your video. If you are a non-Apple user, you can use DaVinci Resolve. If these options don’t work for you, you can also use iMovie or Premier Pro on CSIL computers.


Q1. Do I need a narrator or human voice in the video?

A: No, you do not.

Q2. What if I don't the object that is mentioned in the prompt (e.g., I don't have an umbrella)?

A: It is not necessary to show a real umbrella, you can just use the techniques you learned to make one (such as drawing it on paper, cutting it out of cardboard and using it as a prop, legos, or even clay).

homework5.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/18 16:59 by pedrolopes

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